Up for grab is Hugh Hefner's television show's musical guests collection! This is an unprofessionally released disk, which contains many more performances than the expensive, three disk set officially on the market. You can't go wrong with these rare performances! Here is a bit of what's in it: Deep Purple performing 'Hush' and Richie Blackmore trying to teach Hef how to play his guitar, Canned Heat performing two songs, one of which is the famous 'On The Road Again', and Hef interviewing 'The Bear' Bob Hite, Iron Butterfly performing 'In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida', James Brown getting down, the blues of Fleetwood Mac, featuring guitar god Peter Green, The Grateful Dead performing two songs, one of which is 'St. Stephen', The Cowsills, Leslie Gore, Sonny & Cher, The Sir Douglas Quintet, Linda Ronstadt, Smokey Robinson, The Grassroots, and more! Considering much of this footage is unavailable through normal means, I would rate this color footage and sound at about a 7 or 8. Very watchable and entertaining! This disk comes with an easy to use menu, hard cover case, and great looking insert. If you're a collector of rare and hard to find music performance dvds, you'll enjoy adding this one to your collection.